Thursday 1 March 2012

Marketing Prints and Advertising

1. What are the 7 elements of P&A?
The quantity and production of release prints and trailers:
Press materials, clips reels, images, press previews, screener tapes:
The design and printing of posters and other promotional artwork:
Advertising campaign - locations, ad size and frequency:
Press campaign / contracting a PR agency:
Other preview screenings:
Arranging visit by talent from the film:

2. About how many prints might a specialised film have and how long will the tour be?
Specialised films will often be released with fewer than 10 prints into key independent cinemas, with these prints subsequently 'toured' over a 6-month period to all parts of the UK.

3. How many prints might a commercial mainstream have?
Over 200 prints, simultaneously screening in all major UK towns and cities.

4. How many did your case study film have?
5. Why is a favorable press response a key factor?
Favourable press response is a key factor in developing the profile and desirability of a film. Distributors consider both the quality and breadth of coverage, and this is often inscribed into the nature and scale of a press campaign.

6. What is the standard format for a cinema poster?
The standard 30" x 40" 'quad' format - is still the cornerstone of theatrical release campaigns.

7. Why is a poster important?
The poster design is highly effective in 'packaging' the key attributes of a film for potential audiences.
8. Celebrity endorsement in the main selling point of this poster.

9. What is the word to express coverage working at the same time?
Advertising in magazines, national and local newspapers works in tandem with press editorial coverage to raise awareness of a release.

10. What is the key aspect for mainstream film?
For mainstream films, scale and high visibility is the key.

11. Why is distribution in the UK seen as riskier than in other countries?
The cost of print advertising in the UK is comparatively high, and is seen as making distribution in the UK a riskier business than in most other countries.
12. How are distributors trying to get around this problem?

13. Who was the press agency for your case study?

14. What is another name for the actors or director?
The Talent

15. What sort of coverage did the key players in your case study have?
Chat shows interviewing the cast and the director for the Iron Lady

16. What is the ultimate aim of marketing?
Appealing to and attracting an audience

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