Thursday 1 March 2012

Bullet Boy

1. Who is the director of Bullet Boy?
Saul Dibb
2. Where was the film first screened in 2004?

3. Who handled the release?
Verve Pictures

4. What is their most recent release (look on their website)

5. What percentage of their releases are from first time feature directors(look on their about us link)
Over 75% of our releases are from first time feature directors

6. Who handled the release of your case study, provide the link to their website, consider how effective their webpage is. (international distribution)

7. How did Verve manage to broaden the theatrical release?
Widened market beyond the arthouse, especially with a young black audience

8. How many prints did it have in the UK?
75 prints

9. What did the advertising campaign consist of?
Advertising in all of the national daily newspapers that allocate significant space to film reviews, plus two tabloids, newspapers with a black perspective, a selective London Underground campaign and extensive use of radio stations with a concentration on R 'n' B and Garage, the musical forms with which Walters is associated.

10. How does this compare to the ad campaign for your case study film?
It is more focused towards a specific target audience, including they're preferred music genre. Mine was a much larger film, therefore marketed to a much wider audience.

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