Thursday 1 March 2012

The Logistics of distribution

1. Who decides on the 'play date'?

It is the responsibility of the distributor and the cinema

2. What is the distributors responsibility?

The distributor’s responsibility is to arrange the transportation of the film to the cinema, as part of its wider coordination of print use across the UK.

3. Why is it imperative that films are delivered on time?

The showing of films in cinemas is a time-pressured activity. Cinemas spend their money publicising film play-dates and times in local papers or through published programmes.
4. About how much does a 35mm print cost?
£1,000 - or twice that if subtitled
5. How are prints usually broken down?
Into smaller reels, each lasting around 18-20 mins when run through a projector at 24 frames per second. So a feature print, in its physical form, will usually be 5 or 6 reels
6. What are the disadvantages of using film prints?
35mm theatrical prints invariably suffer cumulative damage as they pass through different projectors, and the hands of various projectionists. There are also overheads incurred by the distributor for the storage of prints at the UK's central print warehouse in West London. For these reasons, each theatrical print has a finite lifespan.
7. How was your case study film distributed? Digitally or 35 mm or a combination?

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